Sunday, July 15, 2012

Herb #FAIL

I tried to grow some herbs, and failed miserably.  I saw this cute idea to grow herbs in Ball jars, and thought it was too cute not to try!

I picked up some jars:

Painted some tongue depressors with chalkboard paint:

Filled the jars with potting soil and seeds - and placed them on the window sill and watered them almost-daily:

I started out watering them daily, but sine there's nowhere for the water to drain out of the jar, I started waiting until all that water had soaked in before watering them again.  Perhaps that was my mistake.  Or maybe this spot doesn't get as much sun as I thought - or at least, doesn't get enough sun to start the herbs from seeds?  Who knows.

It's been 9 weeks, and all I got were a couple oregano sprouts and 1 long cilantro sprig - but neither continued to grow or thrive.  RIP herbs.

It's a fail.  But I tried! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your herbs. :( I'm glad you tried tho. :)
