Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Lovin'

This was a productive weekend. I can't include Friday in that weekend, however, because we did nothing. And it was awesome.

Saturday I put the second coat of paint in the disastrous half bath off the kitchen. I bought a textured finish kit that was supposed to make the wall look like sand, but since I didn't read the directions until after I painted, it looked more like I rubbed mud on the walls. I was not a fan. That contributed to the fact that I waited more than a week to enter and/or repaint the bathroom. It was all lonely in the corner of the house with the door closed all week. I effectively put the bathroom in time out.

After the second coat, I definitely don't hate the bathroom anymore, but I am still not a fan. Once I take the tape off and we put all the finishing touches on - wall cabinet, curtain, new light fixture, and such - I'm sure it'll grown on me.

So, after painting, I took a break for a while to do some homework and then we ran some errands. I can't make grocery shopping, bulk and regular, and Lowe's occupy more than this amount of space.

Saturday night, we were pooped. We resisted the urge to go out to dinner because we had a full fridge (and still nothing to eat), and instead watched Act One of "Apocalypse Now Redux." Pretty good, and it solidifies my theory that in the 70's, you only had to make one movie to be famous for life. Same with "Deer Hunter." Both classics, and both great movies. Still haven't watched Act Two yet. Maybe this weekend.

As if that weren't enough for the weekend, Sunday I got up early to go to Westmoreland Berry Farm with Bonnie. We didn't do any picking, but we picked up some fruit that someone else toiled and sowed, and then drove down to the fields to take pictures of the berries that hadn't been picked yet. Yes, we're spoiled.

Here are some pictures from the farm - the peach one is my favorite!

When we were finished taking in the berry farm, we went to Joseph's 11th birthday party! I cannot believe Joseph is in double digits!!! Yes, I know he was in double digits last year, but I still can't believe it!

Natalie's roommate made burgers and dogs on the grill, and after we ate we sat around playing the games Ashley got him for his birthday. Here's a picture of him opening his gifts, and his brother in true Adam fashion picking his nose (and presumably eating it):


  1. Thanks for going to the berry farm with me. I loved it!! I had tons of fun!! :) Thanks for being my BFF!!!

    I can't stop laughing at Adam picking his nose. Too funny and totally him. ahahahahahaha

  2. That blueberry picture looks just like the one I took. :) Awesome!!!!!
